Posts Tagged ‘Morat’

I love Infinity, and I was absolutely blessed when I saw that the Morats had an army in a box release!
I’ve always loved what I have seen and read about these guys and finally they had a reboot on the sculpts and a box to celebrate, so this is the first of many to come.

Ive also been studying and his Airbush techniques, the man is a wizard and definitely the best painter ive seen.

So after spending some time analyzing his work I’ve given my take on the Morat Sogarag Tempest.
Look at the size of that feuerbach!

These small, lightweight projectiles have a quick loading and boosting mechanism which provides a rapid rate of fire. In exchange for this, the Feuerbach sacrifices range and destructive capacity compared to other Anti-Tank weapons, which tend to be more powerful but slower. However, the advantages of a faster rate of fire are evident, and the main reason for its success in military circles, where there only are positive comments about the weapon.

The Feuerbach is patented by FGA (Franco-Germanique Armements) and licensed to producers in different countries. Those brands commercialize the original patent with modifications to the optical and firing systems. Although, officially, its denomination derives from its rate of fire and destructive capacity, it is rumoured that the real origin of the names comes from the fondness of its designer for German philosophers of the Nineteenth century.

I may go into detail on how I created the lighting effects but I should also take some different pictures as for some reason these images have a blue hue to them.



